War Doctor Heroes: Meet Dr Omar

This is Omar. He is an orthopaedic surgeon in Iraq. He came on one of our surgical training courses in 2018.

We heard that, following a massive road traffic accident, a young patient was brought into his hospital with a compound hip fracture. He was losing so much blood that doctors were gravely concerned that he might not survive. Omar decided to perform a procedure he'd learnt to do properly on our training course.

He recently visited his patient and was delighted to see that he's doing really well. "You saved another life without even knowing it. We are so proud of you. I want people to know the real benefits of these training courses".

"The training helped me to do the procedure properly and without it the boy may not have lived" said Omar.

Help us train more surgeons like Omar https://lght.ly/1jbkc1g

Meet Heston!

Our newest team member is Heston: a life-sized replica human crafted from silicon. Heston plays a leading role in our overseas training programmes, so far helping us in Yemen and Kenya.

Named after our Hostile Environment Surgical Training (HEST) course, Heston’s intensive design and ingenious construction process ensure that his skin, bones and organs feel and look authentic. This anatomical accuracy provides surgeons with a close-up look at what they can expect during real field operations, and difficult procedures in austere environments.   

Thanks to Heston’s creators Max and Izzy Campbell (@healthcuts on Instagram); their work keeps us at the cutting edge of technologies that will train war doctors, and save lives.   

Taking on the Great North Run

Frederick Watson is running the Great North Run for the David Nott Foundation!

Frederick grew up in Newcastle and did the Great North Run for the first time in 2002. He now lives in South Island, New Zealand, and will be strapping on his running shoes and flying back this year to run again.

He was inspired by War Doctor, which he found in his local library, and he has even recommended it to his son to read too. The pair will be running together in September. If you want to show your support for Frederick, you can find his fundraising page here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/frederick-watson1

Thank you Frederick!