During the marathon season this year, we were blown away by the commitment of our supporters. From gruelling training – to creative fundraising – to blisters on race day, we want to thank each and every runner. Here are just a handful of supporter stories.

“It’s been full of ups and downs”

David Twumasi (below) chose to support us in his first marathon feat. David was born premature at six and half months and knew he may not have survived if born in a conflict zone. He wanted to raise funds to train doctors and give war victims, including mothers and unborn children, the best chance of survival.

After crossing the finish line, he said: “I’m so proud of finishing! It’s been such a great experience and full of ups and downs, but it’s all been worth it in the end.”


Taking training seriously

We’re so proud to have a dedicated network of David Nott Foundation Societies at Universities across the UK. Medical students in Leicester took on the virtual London Marathon – and even completed a marathon in training.

The team said: “It was supposed to be our first proper marathon, but Zach and Elena ‘accidentally’ ran a mountain marathon with over 8000 feet of elevation this summer in preparation!” The students smashed their target of £600, raising over £1000.


“It deeply affected me”

Terry Hancock (below) ran the Great North Run for us and despite a set-back at mile 7, completed the race and raised £650.

He shares: “In 2019, a surgeon friend of mine recommended I read a book (War Doctor) about a remarkable man. The stories and sentiments of the book deeply affected me and made me want to do something positive to help the foundation.”


Do something amazing and help us train war doctors. Sign up to a challenge event today.

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