
Libya’s history is marked by political upheaval and civil unrest. During the Arab Spring in 2011, long-time ruler Muammar Gaddafi was ousted and killed, leading to a power vacuum and ongoing instability.

Interventions in support of anti-Gaddafi forces led to a bloody conflict, which saw the emergence of armed groups seeking control. The country descended into chaos, exacerbated further by competing militias and trial groups. In 2014, two rival governments formed in Libya. This further divided the country and has hindered efforts for political order.

Outside of politics, Libya has been devastated by natural disaster. In September of 2023, two dams collapsed, releasing 30 million cubic meters of water that killed thousands. The flood has been recognised as the deadliest flood in over 100 years.

Frontline surgical courses

In February 2024, we delivered a suite of surgical training courses in Tripoli, Libya. In partnership with the Libyan Board of Medical Specialties, we upskilled 103 surgeons, anaesthetists, and obstetrics and gynaecologists. With four separate courses running in parallel for the first time, this mission was the largest training feat in our history.

Our work in February marks the beginnings of our journey in Libya. We intend to deliver a continued series of courses in Libya, with the goal of further strengthening the country’s medical workforce for the benefit of their communities.

“With my training I was able to send her home. She is alive, she is a grandmother, she is everything.”
Dr Alghamji, Libya

Libya stories