After constantly reading about the heartbreaking impact of barrel bombs and landmines on the lives of children and families, Charlotte Wilson decided to do something different for her 70th birthday. Instead of presents and material things, she bought herself a tandem skydive and invited her family and friends to Perthshire to watch her make the jump, all in aid of the David Nott Foundation!

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that Charlotte’s bravery has raised over £1000, which is enough money to train a surgeon on one of our overseas HEST courses. This surgeon can go on to save countless lives and share the skills they’ve learnt with fellow colleagues working in austere and hostile environments.

Charlotte is also delighted with the result: “I did it!  I did it!  I raised enough to train a doctor and I couldn’t be happier! The jump was an amazing experience and I had the most beautiful weather.”

If you’re doing something special to raise money for the Foundation, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We love hearing from you.