Corporate partnerships


Corporate partnerships help us empower frontline doctors by offering funds, skills or resource. By selecting us as your charity partner, your company will be:

  • Helping to provide world-class surgical training to medical professionals in countries impacted by conflict and catastrophe
  • Engaging your people through a bespoke programme of pro-bono support, exciting fundraising challenges and unique volunteering opportunities
  • Boosting your brand, customer loyalty and corporate social responsibility profile

There are lots of ways yourcompany can partner with us

Nominate us to be your charity of the year

By combining your colleagues’ enthusiasm, creativity and drive with our mission to train doctors in war and catastrophe, we can have a big impact, together.

Sponsor a piece of kit

We use state-of-the-art teaching tools to give frontline doctors the best possible learning experience. You can sponsor an essential piece of equipment, such as a birthing simulator.

matched funding

You could boost our fundraising by finding out if your company matches donations given to charity. Speak to your team!

Payroll giving

Payroll giving is a tax-efficient scheme that enables you to make a regular donation to us straight from your salary. You can give any amount you choose and have the flexibility to change or cancel your gift at any time.


Sponsor one of our events, such as a medical conference for our course trainees or a full five-day Hostile Environment Surgical Training course for 30 doctors.

host a lunch and learn

Host a talk from one of our trainers or team members in your offices to give your staff a unique insight into training in a frontline country.

Get involved

To get started on your fundraising journey, please contact our Fundraising and Supporter Relations Manager.