We are continuously amazed by our supporters. This year’s Royal Parks Half Marathon saw many of our supporters take to London’s streets to raise thousands for doctors living and working in the world’s most dangerous corners. Thanks to their determination, doctors in territories such as Ukraine, Yemen, Palestine and Syria will receive the surgical training needed to treat traumatic injuries and save lives.  

Our photographer and videographer, Lucy Lyon, swapped her camera for trainers and took part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon with her brother, Duncan. Together, the pair have raised over £3000 for our mission.

“It was an amazing day in many ways. Golden leafed London parks with warm sun, every shape and ethnicity, age and gender moving along side by side, in a steady tide, for thousands of different causes.

Everyone smiled, no one pushed or shoved. There was a human tree, and a very hot lion, tiger, and a bear. Even a rhino.  A man with a fridge on his back, and people in wheelchairs.

The supporters were everywhere, drumming and cheering us along. It was a morning well spent and all the while jogging along beside me was my little brother.

We agreed that running that distance together was more like running with a pet – a silent but constant companion. And the best bit about running in your late 40s is the gratitude you feel to those legs and feet for their constancy and power.

We have so far raised enough to support the training of at least two surgeons from a conflict zone, who will go on to save hundreds of lives in their region.”

If you’d like to set yourself a challenge or raise funds for a cause that changes the lives of communities in conflict, get started today. Thank you to each and every person who supports our mission.

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