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Oleksandr Nazarchuk, a Ukrainian anaesthetist from Vinnytsia
Oleksandr Nazarchuk, an anaesthetist from Ukraine, and one of our IP (Instructor Potential) candidates, talks about his work as a war surgeon and the devastating missile attack on his home town which resulted in huge numbers of casualties.
Ammar Darwish, our Medical Director in Aleppo, Syria
Ammar Darwish our Medical Director in Aleppo, near M1 hospital where, during the conflict he worked tirelessly alongside our Co-Founder David Nott and other surgeons, risking their lives to save others.
Uliana, a Ukrainian anaesthetist on the frontline
Uliana Kaschii is an anaesthetist from Ukraine, who works on the frontline. After HEST courses with the foundation she is now an IP (Instructor Potential) and aims to become part of our Ukrainian Faculty.
Saladin Sawan on his latest scoping and operating mission to Syria
Saladin Sawan, Faculty Lead for Syria, explains how it feels to return to his home country after the fall of the Assad regime, and how the foundation can play a part in the rebuilding the health system in the country.
Elly Nott our Co-Founder in Aleppo, Syria
Our Co-Founder Elly Nott in front of M1 hospital in Aleppo, talks about the dire healthcare situation in Syria and how the foundation can support the country as they begin to rebuild.
It’s not about
What we do, it's all about humanity. Everyone deserves access to safe, skilled surgical care.
It takes
It takes more than a surgeon to save a life. It takes nurses. It takes anaesthetists. It takes bakers. It takes runners. It takes you 👈.
HEST course in Northwest Syria
Our faculty member, Dr Mahmoud Hariri, shares what Syria and our training in Syria mean to him. Proud to partner with WHO's EPREP plan to strengthen trauma care in Northwest Syria.
HEST course in Tripoli, Libya
For the very first time, we trained over 100 Libyan doctors during a week-period.