United Kingdom

We offer surgical training to medical professionals in the UK, specifically surgeons and anaesthetists who intend to volunteer their skills in countries impacted by conflict and catastrophe.

Since the humanitarian crisis in Gaza worsened following October 2023, during two HEST-UK courses in Bolton, we upskilled over 100 surgeons and anaesthetists from across Europe who were headed for Palestine as surgical volunteers.

We also delivered our first HEST-UK course in Edinburgh, in partnership with the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh (RCSEd).

“With the delivery of our HEST-UK courses in partnership with the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh, we are growing the number of skilled humanitarians, ready to volunteer overseas.”
Nick Cartwright, Programmes Manager

Where we operate


We are proud to partner with the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh to deliver our HEST-UK courses at the college’s excellent cadaveric facilities. Our next HEST-UK course will take place from the 1st – 5th December 2024.


UK stories