Train the Trainers 

Localisation underpins our mission – we empower doctors living and working in conflict and catastrophe to rebuild their own healthcare systems. We do this by upskilling local doctors to become trainers, so they can teach their own peers and spread life saving knowledge throughout their own communities.

To create a network of trainers ready to empower others with skills when needed, we invite doctors from conflict zones around the world to attend our annual Train the Trainers course. Over four days, the group learn how to deliver our surgical courses and hone their practical skills.

With over 50 members of faculty from regions such as Syria, Palestine and Ukraine, our global community of trainers is growing.

“This training is important for me because when I’m back home in Somaliland, I will help my people and train the other doctors. That will help my country.”
Dr Asha Ali Garas, Hargeisa

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