In response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we turned our life-saving course into a condensed recording and translated it into Ukrainian. We now invite every Ukrainian surgeon to contact us to receive this life-saving war surgery resource.

When the crisis began, our Co-Founder David Nott worked around the clock to condense our surgical training course into a 6-hour recording, divided into 15 chapters and packed full of surgical experience from the frontline. Chapters include triage, neurosurgery, damage control, burns, cardiothoracic, orthopaedics, paediatrics, plastic surgery and anaesthesiology.

David Nott delivering surgical training online.

Taking the training one step further, we’ve translated every chapter into Ukrainian to ensure our life-saving resource reaches every single doctor in need, no matter their ability to understand English.

Contact us if you’re in Ukraine

Our Co-Founder, David Nott, said: “After Russia invaded Ukraine, I knew I had to get there. I had to help. Thankfully, I was able to get into Ukraine, volunteering my surgical skills in multiple hospitals right across the country and sharing our training recordings with the doctors I met.

Although a powerful resource, it quickly became clear that many didn’t speak English well and I knew we needed to work hard to ensure our training was even more accessible.

We’ve worked around the clock with Absolute Translations to translate every single chapter into Ukrainian and are now on a mission to ensure every doctor in the country has access.”

If you are a Ukrainian healthcare professional or know of doctors in need of help, we are here for you. Email us at [email protected] for access to our translated resource.

Email us today

Many thanks to the team at Absolute Translations for their hard work and dedication.