End of Year Reflection from our CEO

At the David Nott Foundation, we strive for a world where access to safe, skilled surgical care is a reality for all.   

In areas affected by conflict and catastrophe, every day doctors are striving to provide care to communities contending with the horrors of war. From Ukraine to Syria, Palestine to Sudan; health systems are under strain and sometimes under attack.

With our small staff team of eight, we deliver training that exceeds what might be expected of an organisation of our sizeThis year, we are immensely proud to have trained 433 surgeons and anaesthetists from Moldova, Yemen, Ukraine, northwest Syria and the UK. That means we’ve trained 1,589 doctors since 2015, expanding our global network of surgical life savers. 

 Responsive. Open-hearted. Committed. It inspires all we do.


As 2023 draws to a close, we want to express our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who has been a part of the David Nott Foundation journey. This year presented unimaginable challenges, from earthquakes to conflicts, yet your unwavering support allowed us to train 433 surgeons and anaesthetists across the world.

In the face of adversity, our commitment to providing access to safe, skilled surgical care remains stronger than ever. With your generosity, we've made a real impact in communities facing crises. Here's to a future filled with continued growth, empowerment, and positive change. Thank you for being a vital part of our mission.

Wishing you a compassionate and hopeful New Year!

With gratitude, Elly Nott

CEO and Co-Founder

Gaza Emergency Response


Doctors rapidly trained to treat trauma injuries in Gaza

During a remarkable four-day Hostile Environment Surgical Training (HEST) course, surgeons and anaesthetists from the UK, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Qatar gathered in Bolton to learn how to treat trauma injuries in the Gaza Strip.

Organised in two weeks in collaboration with Palmed, 42 doctors headed for the Middle East were trained to treat complex trauma injuries incurred in the Israel-Gaza conflict. This course not only marks a significant step towards preparing medical professionals for future missions in Palestine but also reflects a shared commitment to saving lives in conflict zones.

 "Thank you to the David Nott Foundation. Without them, this training would not have been possible. Together, we are organising this course to assist the people in the Gaza Strip once it is safe and travel becomes feasible. The response from numerous doctors expressing their desire to help has been overwhelming, and we are hopeful to conduct a second course in the coming weeks." - Riyadh Al Masharqa, Plastic surgeon, PalMed

Addressing urgent medical needs in Gaza

The course was organised in response to the pressing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, Palestine. According to on-the-ground partners, medical professionals are stretched to their limits and hospitals are overwhelmed.

The group included specialists in orthopaedic surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatric anaesthesia, and general surgery. Some brought valuable, first-hand experience from regions affected by conflict, like Afghanistan and Syria, while others joined to grow their understanding of how to treat war wounds before heading on mission.

"I'm excited about expanding my skill set beyond obstetrics and gynaecology to acquire new capabilities that will benefit mothers and their infants in Gaza and the West Bank. I recognize the desperate need for assistance in this region. This course is unique as it combines obstetrics and gynaecology with trauma care. This training aims to address complex challenges comprehensively and I look forward to it.” - Dr Iman Al Mabhooh, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

A troop of volunteers

For the very first time, 11 FDNF volunteers from our Friends of The David Nott Foundation (FDNF) and Trainees of The David Nott Foundation (TDNF) societies volunteered to help arrange and assist during the course. This joint effort meant it could be organised at lightning speed, rapidly creating a network of well-trained war doctors.

“Given not only the humanitarian crisis in Gaza but with the targeting of healthcare workers in particular it's never been more important to strengthen our healthcare colleagues and equip them with the skills to do their incredibly difficult jobs and to support them through a very precarious situation.” - Nadia, FDNF Manchester President

Our surgical HEST and anaesthesia courses were held simultaneously, demonstrating our commitment to enhancing the skills of all those striving to preserve life in the operating theatre.

"What has been great about this course is meeting people that have experienced things in the field. From the anaesthetics point of view, it's been helpful to learn how they deal with limited resources and supplies, and we have been using airway mannequins and practicing with video scopes."- Dr Douglas Philpott, Anaesthetist

We’re committed

As war continues to rage, we are working on a second surgical training course with the goal of upskilling even more frontline medical professionals. We won’t stop empowering doctors with the knowledge needed to save lives and limbs against the odds.

Our latest training in Palestine

Funding paediatric trauma training for two Ukrainian surgeons 

In the wake of ongoing conflict, we have taken a significant step in supporting Ukrainian doctors. To further strengthen Ukraine’s medical workforce, we sponsored two doctors, paediatric surgeon Dr Dim Ershov and anaesthetist Dr Olga Panasiuk, to attend the Paediatric Advanced Cadaveric Trauma Surgery (PACTS) course for surgeons. 

After the war erupted, Dr Ershov, and Dr Panasiuk were recruited as surgeons for the Ukrainian army. The two doctors previously met our Co-Founder, Professor David Nott, during one of our surgical training courses in the country. Since March 2022, we have trained over 400 surgeons during 12 surgical training courses in cities such as Odesa, Kyiv, Dnipro, Poltava, Lviv and Zhytomyr.  

Deepening our impact

In a bid to strengthen our support for medical professionals in war and catastrophe, we’ve expanded our offering beyond our flagship Hostile Environment Surgical Training (HEST) course. We worked with leading anaesthetists to develop an anaesthesia course and will be developing a nursing course next year, with the goal of saving even more lives inside and outside the operating theatre. 

We also provide scholarships for frontline doctors in need of additional training. Dr Ershov and Dr Panasiuk were funded by us to attend the PACTS course in Newcastle.   

The course, led by Dr Suren Arul, a paediatric surgeon who previously served in the military, is a two-day intensive program that blends surgical procedures with anaesthetics and nursing. The course incorporates realistic scenarios, including intensive role-playing at six different tables with various surgical cases, simulating the pressured experienced in war zones. 

"They kept us on our toes"

After their two days of training, we met up with Dr Ershov and Dr Panasiuk to ask about their experiences. “Teamwork in the training program put us in a more realistic situation.” shared Dr Panasiuk.  “The models were very interesting, very realistic. They kept us on our toes - as we would be during real surgery.”  

"We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the David Nott Foundation for their unwavering support. As Ukrainians, we wish to express our deepest thanks to David and the entire foundation for their tireless efforts. Through multiple courses, they have saved lives and limbs, standing as champions for Ukraine and democratic freedom. PACTS will equip us with the skills to be more effective. Without their support, we would undoubtedly be prone to making several mistakes."- Drs Ershov and Panasiuk

Protecting Ukraine's children

 Undoubtedly, Dim and Olga can now return to Ukraine equipped with the skills and knowledge to perform life-saving procedures and surgeries, said Dr Suren. "Their participation in the PACTS course, sponsored by the Foundation, has undoubtedly elevated their capabilities, allowing them to make a significant impact in their homeland."

As conflict in Ukraine persists, we will continue to provide training and support to doctors in need. Thanks to a new wealth of knowledge, Dr Dim Ershov and Dr Olga Panasiuk will give more of Ukraine's children hope for the future. 

Our training in Ukraine