Bringing future humanitarian surgeons together for the first time

This month, we hosted our first annual Trainees of the David Nott Foundation (TDNF) conference. The conference aimed to bring surgical trainees interested in global humanitarian careers together, to learn from our war doctors and take part in bespoke workshops.  

Held as a hybrid event at the University of Salford in Manchester, the conference attracted 200 medical professionals from various specialties and international locations, including Yemen, Pakistan, Albania, Nigeria, Poland, UAE, Singapore, Ethiopia, Thailand, Malawi, Libya, and many more. 

Dan Lazenby, the president of the TDNF committee and a plastic and burns training registrar, founded our TDNF network in 2023. 

There was a gap in the market for trainees interested in humanitarian work and global surgery education. I wanted to emulate that for trainees. I believe there is a real lack of platforms and communities for junior members to get involved. The more we involve them early, the better they can contribute.” – Dan Lazenby, TDNF President 

TDNF has made significant strides since its birth. The committee has 13 members from various specialties across the UK and plans to expand the community. They have hosted two webinars with participation from 50-100 doctors worldwide, providing information to global trainees on how to get involved in humanitarian efforts. Future initiatives include developing a mentorship program, focusing on basic global surgical skills for trainees through online platforms.

“Our dream is to follow in the footsteps of David Nott and other humanitarian surgeons.”

Workshops focus on essential trauma skills 

The conference, held on the 13th July, was a full day of comprehensive lectures and workshops. Our faculty trainers provided trainees with insights into working in war zones, sharing experiences from Syria, Afghanistan, and Gaza. The event featured workshops on orthopaedics, vascular surgery and general trauma, where trainees spent hours practicing casting, suturing, and managing major trauma injuries. Networking between trainees and faculty members was also a highlight, fostering vital relationships between peers and building a strong community.

The hybrid international platform was invaluable, allowing people to join virtually and in person, inspiring the humanitarian surgeons of tomorrow all around the world."

 A vision for the future 

Looking to the future, Dan shared: “We aim to host annual conferences, develop mentorship programs, and reach people from more diverse backgrounds. We all have the same goal, to treat patients safely and effectively. One of our ideas is to accompany the David Nott Foundation to teach junior members basic skills, which will make a significant difference.”  

We will continue to prepare the humanitarians of tomorrow, ensuring safe, skilled surgical care reaches everyone.   

Contact us to join the TDNF

Our localisation and training in Ukraine

This June, we partnered with the World Health Organisation (WHO) Ukraine to deliver our training in Ukraine. We trained 69 medical professionals, including those from the frontlines and other regions, who travelled to Poltava to acquire vital trauma skills to take back to their hospitals. This course brought our global figure of doctors trained to over 2000. 

No end in sight  

After two years of war, Ukraine is dropping from the headlines, yet the conflict continues and conditions remain dreadful. Kateryna Barabash, Emergency Medical Services Officer at WHO said: "From a humanitarian perspective, the casualty rates are not decreasing. The need for care near the frontline remains high."

"Media attention is decreasing, affecting financial support, reducing project budgets, and diminishing humanitarian services."

Despite the lack of spotlight as other disasters intensify across the globe, we remain committed to our work in Ukraine and have now trained over 700 doctors from territories right across the country. On our latest Poltava mission, we ran two Hostile Environment Surgical Training-Anaesthesia (HEST-A) course twice and a Hostile Environment Surgical Training (HEST) course for surgeons and anaesthetists. 

Localisation and sustainability

In early June, we also funded Ukrainian surgeons to come to our latest UK course to learn directly from our Co-Founder Professor Nott, and also how to take the reins and join our team as official Ukrainian trainers. 

Five of these professionals trained on our course in Ukraine as members of our faculty, enhancing our sustainability and localisation efforts. They now apply their teaching skills in their work settings, training others as they operate on injured people, building capacity in Ukraine and on the frontlines. 

"Our greatest achievement from this course is that localisation has actually happened. This is our first cohort of Ukrainians delivering our course near the frontline." - Nick Cartwright, Programmes Manager at the David Nott Foundation. 

Missile attacks continue to devastate

Russian drone and missile attacks continue. Most recently, attacks inflicted devastation at Okhmatdyt Сhildren's Hospital in Kyiv, throwing the nation into outrage. Clearly, there remains an urgent need for surgical and anaesthetic teams that are equipped to save lives and limbs – that’s why the skills and techniques taught on our courses are essential.

Kateryna shared: "The foundation has a solid technical background in trauma surgery, offering valuable tips and tricks that match the situations they may face. Simple techniques, like tying a knot effectively, can be more impactful than revolutionary methods. Sharing practical experiences and real-life stories also make this training invaluable.

"When you have many trauma patients, it's hard to share experiences with peers. In this environment, you can do that and set up valuable learning opportunities.” 

We strive to provide a safe environment for doctors to discuss patience cases and learn from real-life experiences from each other and our faculty. Creating space for this forum fosters powerful knowledge sharing of new skills and techniques. 

Support our missions in Ukraine

Serving low-resource hospitals in the DRC

This year, we were contacted by a doctor from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to set up a Friends of David Nott Foundation (FDNF) society – our very first FDNF in Africa. In a bid to support the development of African doctors in hospitals with poor resources, we provided funding for teaching tools used to upskill medical professionals in deep DRC territory.

In June 2023, a WHO report found that the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the DRC has more than doubled to 6.3 million, since the end of 2022. The crisis has emerged as decades of conflict and food insecurity soars in the DRC, made worse by extreme flooding and disease outbreaks throughout the Ituri and North Kivu Provinces.

Chris Kitumaini, a medical doctor and President of our FDNF in the DRC, arranged a training course for doctors at the Murhesa Medical Center, a modest hospital with very limited resources, medical equipment and staff. He shared:

“We travelled to Bukavu, in the South-Kivu Province in the DRC, and then went onto Kabare’s deep territory to get to the Murhesa Medical Center. We picked this location to train in because it is a hospital with very low income. Resources are so limited there."

"In the operating rooms, there is nothing. Women are giving birth on wooden tables. The doctors there are working with the smallest amount of materials, no beds, no anaesthesia machines. Nothing but the doctors and medical assistants."

Basic medical skills

The surgical teaching team, some of whom had travelled from Bordeaux, taught a range of basic medical and surgical skills to a group of 20 doctors from different territories. Some had travelled from small villages to get to the training in Murhesa Medical Center.

Four courses were delivered during two intensive days of training, using surgical toolkits, mannikins and anaesthesia tools funded by us. Dr Raïssa Kizungu, a cardiologist from Bordeaux, led the management of cardiovascular pathologies in the context of war and environments with limited resources. The team used mannikins to teach the group cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and essential tools for resuscitation to preserve life in resource-limited settings. Dr Elie Bugashane, a general surgeon, led the management of battlefield wounds and suture techniques in resource-limited environments. Finally, Dr Charles Kachungunu led the management of head trauma and how to deliver excellent nursing care.

During other practical sessions, the surgeons learned how to do a craniotomy to stop serious bleeding, as well as suture techniques to manage wounds in war and low-resource contexts.

A thirst to learn

“Our first workshop, funded by the David Nott Foundation, was a success. We chose doctors and medical professionals who really needed training. It was a big moment for us.

We now want to focus on training in other places that need us the most – villages deep in the Congo forest. Learning simple procedures, like how to secure broken limbs, could really help people that cannot move to other hospital easily.”

We remain committed to supporting medical professionals living and working in countries impacted by war and disaster.

More on our training

24 doctors trained during 1st UK course with Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh

For the first time in partnership with Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd), we delivered a Hostile Environment Surgical Training UK (HEST-UK) course to equip 24 surgeons from across the globe with vital skills needed to save lives in conflict and disaster zones.

Aimed at medical professionals who work in, or are planning to travel to, conflict and catastrophe zones around the world, our HEST-UK course brought together surgeons from across the globe, including Australia, Poland, Finland, Denmark, Libya and six from Ukraine, for a transformative week of intensive training.

This marks the beginning of our brand-new partnership with RCSEd, joining forces to upskill humanitarian surgeons and frontline trainers in the making. Our course combined trauma case presentations taken straight from war zones like in Syria, our cutting-edge teaching models designed especially for our use, and human cadavers.

Dr Igor Belkin, HEST-UK participant and surgeon from Ukraine who we sponsored to join our training, said:

“The course was great! All frontline methods were described in detail in theory, and then with the help of DNF trainers, we then worked on and learned more about using cadavers.

These skills are always useful, especially in a country that is at war. After completing another DNF course in Zaporizhizhia in February 2023, I used many learnings in field surgery. Now in Edinburgh, I got even more practice with cadavers.”

Dr Senka Stojanovic, HEST-UK participant and general surgeon from Poland, said:

"Now, possibly more than ever during our lifetimes, the world is fraught with problems of growing divisions and inequality, which among other things impacts access to quality healthcare, affecting not only the current generation, but future ones as well.

I felt incredibly fortunate and grateful for the opportunity to learn first-hand from some of the leading experts in the field.

"The wealth of experience and practical tips brought by the faculty was unmatched and cannot be found in textbooks or surgical atlases."

I highly recommend this unique course to any surgeons who plan to or already work in humanitarian settings around the globe, but who need to build on their confidence and skill to provide surgical care outside of their surgical specialties."

Mariette Naud-Betteridge, Director of Partnerships and Stakeholder Engagement at RCSEd, said:

“Witnessing the course first-hand revealed the extensive practice and diverse disciplines required to deliver surgical care in conflict zones. Not only did the course’s structure and the dedication of David and his faculty bring challenging cases to life, the delegates' intense focus and eagerness to learn emphasised the course’s relevance and necessity.

Collaboration between the David Nott Foundation and RCSEd demonstrates our  shared commitment to equipping medical professionals with the critical skills and confidence needed to save lives in the most demanding situations. Special thanks also to all who supported the course, including sponsors B. Braun, Essity, and Stryker. RCSEd look forward to welcoming back the DNF team and a new set of delegates in December for the next HEST-UK Course.”

As fighting intensifies across Ukraine, Palestine, Sudan and beyond, there has never been a greater need for skilled, humanitarian surgeons around the world. That’s why our programme of bespoke training courses are so vital and we will continue to grow our international network of war doctors.

Sign up to our next HEST-UK course

"There's no bias towards class, gender, or religion."

Dominic's sister, Lucy Cahillane, passed away on March 12, 2022. After reading ‘War Doctor’ by David Nott, Lucy became a huge supporter of our mission. She was always sharing with Dominic everything she took from the book and all the passion she had for our work.

Dominic shared that Lucy wasn't just a bookworm—she loved helping people, an attitude she would actively look to instil in her daughter on a daily basis. She was especially drawn to the foundation because she believed it was a genuinely inclusive humanitarian organisation that didn't discriminate based on gender, colour, age, or money. Instead, it focused on helping those most in need, like in Syria.

Based in Sussex, Dominic has been working as a musician since the mid-1990s and has a passion for travel. Together with his partner, they decided to honour Lucy's legacy by hiking and raising funds for us. 

“The news can be so negative and manipulative; it makes you forget the good in this world and that there are people that just want to help others without seeking reward or notoriety.”

The fundraising challenge

“In 2022 I set up a fundraising page, as my partner Radka Nemcova went on a hike along with her friend Katerina Tumova, through the Himalayas to the Everest viewpoint. Their efforts raised around £2500, which wasn't expected! We were so proud of all we raised for the foundation so this year we wanted to push our limits. Me and my partner travelled this time to South America, we went on a 4-day ascending hike to over 15,000 feet up in the Peruvian Andes to raise money and awareness for the Foundation. To keep our friends, family and other supporters engaged we constantly updated them on where we are and basically how difficult the 4-day hike was going!” 

Reaching the top

“Both times when we hit the base financial target and when we reached the top of our hike, we felt a full on emotional outburst, you can imagine what it’s like after hiking for 4 days! There’s an overall feeling of accomplishment but also a feeling of it could have been more, I’m happy with the results but keep thinking let's make the next one bigger and keep pushing. I mean it’s a funny one with the journey being both challenging yet soulfully rewarding” 

What's next?

The foundation deserves much more recognition. It sheds a different light on what's happening in places like Ukraine and Gaza compared to what people see in newspapers. It’s a reminder that people do need to help.”

"The foundation's focus is purely on humanitarian conditions, without any bias towards class, gender, or religion."

Dominic is deeply inspired by his sister’s legacy, which really fuels his dedication to the foundation. Her belief in helping anyone in need matches what the foundation stands for.  

"I felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment, but it always feels like there's more to do. I'm happy with the results but want to make the next one even bigger and keep pushing forward. I never feel like it's finished; there's always something more that can be added." 

Dominic Cahillane's fundraising journey shows how personal connections and community support can really make a difference. His story highlights the importance of humanitarian work and how much of an impact individuals can have with dedication and perseverance. 

We’d like to thank Dominic for sharing his experience. To find out more about fundraising events or how to support us in an event you have coming up, get in touch. 

Get involved

Friends of David Nott Foundation Conference - leaders of tomorrow

This month, we held our third Friends of David Nott Foundation (FDNF) conference, hosted this year by our FDNF at the University of Cambridge in the Clinical School of Medicine. This event brought together 45 dedicated FDNF members from universities across the UK, including Dundee, Leicester, Nottingham, Manchester, Glasgow,Cork, Bristol, and Cardiff, alongside international attendees from the Czech Republic. 

Our Friends of David Nott Foundation societies are made up of medical students who wish to embark on a humanitarian career. By bringing them together for teaching and connection with our trainers, our goal is to nourish the next generation of humanitarian surgeons.  

The conference featured four specialised workshops led by our faculty members, focusing on vascular surgery, orthopaedics, paediatrics, and general trauma. These sessions provided students with hands-on surgical experience and insights into the challenging yet rewarding field of humanitarian medicine.  

Faculty trainer Dr Mahmoud Hariri, a surgeon who met our Co-Founder David Nott in underground hospitals in Syria, led our final lecture. He shared his experiences from Syria and the difficulties of being a surgeon under unimaginable pressure 

“One of the hospitals I worked in was in a cave in a mountain. There are many hospitals like this in Syria. Some are underground or in a gym. Most of our lives at that time (during the siege), were underground."

"Being a war surgeon is not a funny thing, it is difficult. I have experienced soldiers placing bets on what they could hit each day.” - Dr Mahmoud Hariri, faculty trainer

Our Co-Founder Elly Nott opened the event with an inspiring address, expressing her excitement for this annual gathering and highlighting the critical role it plays in fostering the next generation of humanitarian healthcare professionals.  

"Our FDNF conference is a highlight of my year. It’s a joy to meet the next generation of humanitarians and see how enthusiastic they are to use their skills to make the world a better place.” Elly Nott, Co-Founder

Through our FDNFs, students contribute significantly to our work by raising awareness, fundraising for missions, and volunteering on our Hostile Environment Surgical Training (HEST) courses offered in the UK.  

They are the future of this world, and now more than ever, we need people who want to help and make a difference.  

This conference not only reinforced the commitment of current FDNFs but also inspired new additions to engage deeply our mission in helping to ensure safe surgical skills are available to all.  

More on FDNF's

“If this training can work in Gaza, it can work anywhere else.”

Dr Israar Ul-Haq joined our HEST-UK (Hostile Environment Surgical Training-UK) course in Bolton to improve his trauma surgery skills before entering the heart of Palestine’s crisis – the Gaza Strip. 

Dr Israar Ul-Haq is a doctor  with a primary focus on urgent and pre-hospital care. Volunteering his expertise, Dr Ul-Haq joined two separate missions to Gaza, serving in Khan Younis and Deir al Balah. 

As I entered Gaza I felt a mix of emotions—eager to employ the skills I learned from HEST and help those in need, yet wary of the drones I can hear as soon as I entered.” 

With minimal resources and an overwhelming patient load, ranging from 500 to 1000 individuals daily according to Dr Ul-Haq, the medical staff faced immense challenges. The injuries they treated ranged from blast injuries and crush wounds, to traumatic amputations and fatal head injuries, or gun shot and sniper wounds. Techniques learned during the HEST course, such as medical triage or procedures for getting access to the chest quickly, such as thoracotomies, were immediately put into action.

It impacted every aspect of my work in Gaza

Dr Ul-Haq shared: “The course impacted every aspect of my work in Gaza, such as understanding the local environment and the types of injuries we encountered. Whether it was performing chest drains, managing blast injuries, conducting debridement, or treating burns, the training equipped me with the necessary skills I needed. 

The lectures on burns were very useful, they directly influenced our treatment protocols. Techniques like thoracotomy and bleeding control learned during the course became standard procedures in our daily practice. The emphasis on conducting primary and secondary surveys, along with fast scanning helped us to quickly assess and address critical issues in a high-pressure setting." 

Patients that stay with us 

“One patient's case is stuck in my head. He presented with a shrapnel injury to his back, which had penetrated his thorax. While we stabilised him initially, signs of Beck's triad (low blood pressure, distended neck veins, and distant or muffled heart sounds) alerted us to a possible cardiac tamponade (a serious condition where fluid builds up around the heart) - I had learned to identify this issue through fast scanning during the course. We rushed him to the operating theatre. Employing techniques like the clamp shell procedure, we successfully removed the bleeding around his heart, stabilising him.” 

“We had a four-year-old brought into the hospital with a pneumothorax, severe head injuries, and burns. We immediately admitted the child to the ICU. We performed a chest drain to treat the pneumothorax and employing rapid sequence induction (a method to quickly administer anaesthesia and secure the airway) to stabilise the child's condition. We debrided the wounds at the back and used fluid therapy to manage shock and maintain stability.” 

Our course is not just about building medical skills, it's about cultivating problem-solving abilities in the most challenging of circumstances. In environments where resources, staffing, and traumas are at their peak, the course empowers doctors to think laterally and use whatever limited resources they have. From using different pain management drugs to conducting fast scans to evaluate a patient's condition rapidly, every aspect of the training is geared towards equipping doctors with the tools they need to save lives, no matter where they are. 

“Upon arrival, another patient had no bleeding or shrapnel injuries, but vitals would not stabilise. drawing on what we learned from the HEST course, we identified a left-sided pneumothorax. Despite initial stabilization efforts, the patient's vital signs remained unstable,” shared Dr Ul-Haq. “I often used the fast-scanning technique taught in the course. ; I detected an additional right-sided pneumothorax. Without hesitation, I proceeded to insert a chest tube, a procedure ingrained in our training. Had we delayed any longer, the outcome could have been disastrous.” 

“Gaza is facing unimaginable suffering, and HEST was incredibly helpful there. If it can work in Gaza, it can work anywhere else too.” 


The anaesthetist in a war zone

It takes a team to save a life in a war zone. Recognising the vital need for anaesthetists in conflict, we developed a bespoke anaesthesia course, to prepare anaesthetists for working in war hospitals. One of our experienced trainers, Dr Hussein Nagi, recently taught anaesthetists from Kuwait who are heading to Palestine. 

Managing pain in different ways

“Treatment and anaesthesia do not end in the operative theatre. In a war zone, you could have a whole ward of people with post-operative pain, for example after amputations. Anaesthetists must do what they can with what they have to continue their care," shared Dr Nagi in Kuwait.

"A colleague once shared that a boy was screaming in the night with phantom limb pain after getting an amputation, he was shouting ‘my toe is hurting’. His toes were not there.

They found a stock of epidural kits in their hospital (for maternal care) and gave it to him through a catheter – the boy was almost pain free. You can resolve severe pain, by nerve blocking, with a range of drugs. You just need to be able to adapt to your environment.”

Our course teachers share tips and tricks just like this, with the goal of making anaesthetists adaptable to the challenges of a conflict-affected environment.

The science behind war

A trainee from Kuwait, during our latest HEST-A course in the Middle East, shared: “The trainers were combining their war experience with theoretical teaching, which added a lot to the course – showing us what to expect.

There were three main sessions that I learned the most from. Damage control, the ballistics science behind bullets and bombs, and the chemical weapons session. They’re not taught during medical training so knowing more about them, how to deal with these situations, understanding the science to then anticipate what we may meet in A and E, was the highlight of the course.”

Triage is critical

“It was an impressive course. The most interesting part for me was the triage, and making decisions using the information we have learned over years in studies, but applying it to a conflict zone.

"You have to adjust and accommodate to different situations, especially areas where you don’t have all the resources."

Gaza today urgently needs resources, food, water, equipment and man power. From what we hear from doctors on the ground, medical resources are much needed. It is very desperate.”

We have trained over 80 surgeons and anaesthetist in the UK and Kuwait who have, or intend to, volunteer their skills in Palestine's frontline hospitals. We will continue to upskill doctors in support of the people of Gaza.


Preparing 36 Kuwaiti doctors for surgery in Gaza

With support from the Foreign Common Development Office (FCDO) and Kuwaiti Red Crescent Society (KRCS), we upskilled 24 Kuwaiti surgeons and 12 anaesthetists who intend to volunteer as humanitarians in Gaza. This marks our first direct partnership with the UK government.

Faculty Lead: Dr Ammar Darwish. Surgical Faculty: Dr Mahmoud Hariri, Professor Steven Mahoney, Dr Saladin Sawan, Dr Juan Robinson. Anaesthesia Faculty: Professor Pete Mahoney, Dr Oliver Harrison and Dr Hussein Nagi. 

Kuwait is home to over 4.2 million people. Sandwiched between Iraq and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait is a small but influential country in the Middle East. As the war continues to wage in Gaza, a number of Kuwaiti doctors have plans to volunteer their skills on the frontline. Upon invitation from the FCDO and KRCS, we were pleased to upskill 36 doctors and prepare them for complex trauma injuries.

Our Co-Founder, Elly Nott, said:

“Recognised by the UN as a Humanitarian Center and embodying the values of charity and humanity, Kuwait is a natural partner for the David Nott Foundation. During this mission, we trained 24 surgeons and 12 anaesthetists in partnership with the Kuwaiti Red Crescent Society and the British Embassy, Kuwait.

The doctors have been trained in surgical skills essential for saving life and limb and will contribute to relief campaigns and humanitarian initiatives in the region. There is sadly no end of need for their skills in the world at present and we look forward to further collaboration with our colleagues here in Kuwait for the benefit of those who suffer in conflict.”

The skills required by doctors in Gaza at this time extend far beyond surgery. Being calm in a crisis, able to adjust to the needs of the patient in front of you and adapt to the hospital’s resources – or lack of - are absolutely vital. Doctors and anaesthetists that rely on innovative surgical tools or drugs will only have so much impact in active war zones.

Consultant Anaesthetist and DNF Faculty Trainer, Professor Pete Mahoney, said:

“In conflict zones, there may not be reliable electricity, water or access to medical gases such as piped or cylinder oxygen. You need to be able to pivot and use something called ‘draw-over’ anaesthesia to deliver suitable medication. This is when the use of simple masks or a bag can be used to pull volatile agents (anaesthetic medications) into the patient’s body.

We also taught the Kuwaiti doctors how a simple anaesthesia machine can be constructed from components as they may need to build one in the field with whatever the hospital has. It is critical that humanitarian doctors are able to adapt.”

We know from our Faculty Lead in Palestine that doctors on the ground don’t always have the time or available tools to fix bones together with metal pins. To give doctors other options that require less equipment, we taught Kuwaiti doctors how to set bones with plaster casts, which can help breaks to heal in the absence of pins.

The British Ambassador to Kuwait, Mrs Belinda Lewis, said:

“The fact the UK government’s first partnership with the amazing David Nott Foundation took place in Kuwait is testament to the strong and productive relationship between our two countries. This combination of British and Kuwaiti expertise will undoubtedly support the medical response to the dreadful suffering in Gaza.

I am grateful for the assistance of a number of people in Kuwait who have helped me to bring in this expert team from the UK, and I would like to pay special thanks to Professor Ghassan Abu Sittar, veteran war surgeon and humanitarian, who first suggested this valuable partnership to me.”

President of the Kuwaiti Red Crescent Society and former Minister for Health in Kuwait, Dr Hilal Al Sayer, said:

"On behalf of the Kuwait Red Crescent Society, I extend my appreciation to the British Embassy for their facilitation of the training course throughout this process. I also extend our sincerest gratitude to the David Nott Foundation for their invaluable expertise. Their guidance has empowered our esteemed consultants with the skills needed to navigate the complexities of emergency medical care as volunteer medics in conflict zones whose dedication serves as a testament to the spirit of humanity that defines our National Society.

Last, but certainly not least, I extend my heartfelt thanks to the National Bank of Kuwait for their generous support, we are truly grateful for their partnership.

I am immensely proud of the collaboration that has characterized our time together and am confident that we will carry forward the lessons learned in our shared mission to serve humanity with compassion and expertise."

Until we can support and upskill doctors on the ground in Gaza, we will continue to do all we can from a distance. The delivery of our surgical and new anaesthesia courses to Kuwaiti doctors who intend to enter Palestine as humanitarian volunteers, forms part of our unwavering commitment to the ongoing crisis.