At the David Nott Foundation, we strive for a world where access to safe, skilled surgical care is a reality for all.   

In areas affected by conflict and catastrophe, every day doctors are striving to provide care to communities contending with the horrors of war. From Ukraine to Syria, Palestine to Sudan; health systems are under strain and sometimes under attack.

With our small staff team of eight, we deliver training that exceeds what might be expected of an organisation of our sizeThis year, we are immensely proud to have trained 433 surgeons and anaesthetists from Moldova, Yemen, Ukraine, northwest Syria and the UK. That means we’ve trained 1,589 doctors since 2015, expanding our global network of surgical life savers. 

 Responsive. Open-hearted. Committed. It inspires all we do.


As 2023 draws to a close, we want to express our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who has been a part of the David Nott Foundation journey. This year presented unimaginable challenges, from earthquakes to conflicts, yet your unwavering support allowed us to train 433 surgeons and anaesthetists across the world.

In the face of adversity, our commitment to providing access to safe, skilled surgical care remains stronger than ever. With your generosity, we’ve made a real impact in communities facing crises. Here’s to a future filled with continued growth, empowerment, and positive change. Thank you for being a vital part of our mission.

Wishing you a compassionate and hopeful New Year!

With gratitude, Elly Nott

CEO and Co-Founder

Gaza Emergency Response