War doctors should consider controlling blood loss with surgery and limiting blood transfusion

Trauma surgeons should consider surgically-controlling severe blood loss and limiting the amount of blood transfusion, according to a Lancet research…

Two war doctors, one family

On day one of our HEST course in Erbil, Iraq, our Chief Executive Elly Nott had the pleasure of meeting two participants from Mosul. Together, Dr…

We rapidly delivered war surgery training to 573 doctors in Ukraine

In response to the Ukrainian crisis, our Co-Founder David Nott and Former Consultant Surgeon at St George’s Hospital Henry Marsh joined forces to…

Dr Rebekka Troller, from student to war doctor trainer

Dr Rebekka Troller, Colorectal Robotic Fellow and Emergency and General Surgery Consultant at Medway Hospital NHS, is one of our talented trainers.…

Another successful STAE course

This month, we were honoured to train 14 doctors from Afghanistan, Syria, Palestine and Ethiopia on our latest Surgical Training for Austere…

Merry Christmas from our Chief Executive

The end of the year provides us with a moment to reflect on what has passed and think about the future. It has been a year of many challenges and…

Meet war doctor trainer, Dr Una Walsh

Dr Una Walsh, General Surgeon and Major Trauma Fellow at St Mary’s Hospital London, is the newest member of our faculty. Here, Dr Walsh shares her…

New Chief Executive at the David Nott Foundation

It is with great pleasure that we announce Elly Nott, Co-Founder of the David Nott Foundation, has been re-appointed as Chief Executive. Elly shares…

Buy a signed photo and support our mission

Would you like a signed photo of The Crown stars, Tobias Menzies and Olivia Colman? The selection below has been generously donated and profits will…

We’re back where we belong

We are delighted to be back training doctors on the frontline. Our latest Hostile Environment Surgical Training (HEST) course in Erbil, Iraq,…

A marathon effort for war doctors

During the marathon season this year, we were blown away by the commitment of our supporters. From gruelling training - to creative fundraising - to…

Training of Trainers: Future-proofing the Foundation

Last weekend, the David Nott Foundation invited 24 leading surgeons to London to attend a Training of Trainers course. The aim of the course was to…